QRZ! Ham Radio 9
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 9.iso
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169 lines
Short user's guide for the NWQ terminal v. 1.4
The compiled code of NWQterm is Public Domain
and it is free to be used in any way.
This programme runs ONLY with the BPQ node software.
You can find the instructions how to configure the BPQ virtual
node software in BPQ document files.
I made this programme for myself. So if it seems cumbersome,
it's just because I like it so...
YOU MUST EDIT THE NWQ.SYS FILE and remember not to change the
format of the file. You may not delete any line, just modify the texts.
To install the programme: copy all the files to the dir from which you
want to run the NWQterm. And then run install.bat.
This file is not compatible with the earlier versions.
To start NWQterm type NWQ
If you have a VGA display adapter you can use NWQ /V
If you have a Hercules adapter use NWQ /H
If you have a text display use NWQ /M
You can also switch to a special display mode of your adapter
before you start NWQterm with command NWQ and see if it works.
You can use function keys F1 through F10 to change the status
of the following things:
F1 'Conn' Connect this stream to the virtual node. toggle on/off
F2 'ä{' Convert scandinavian special characters 7 bit to 8 bit
on receive and 8 bit to 7 bit on transmit. toggle on/off
F3 'Moni' Monitor function toggle on/off
F4 'Time' Monitor time stamp toggle on/off
F5 'BSnd' Send a binary file. I.e. no CR/LF-> CR and
doesn't stop to CTRL-Z. This function will prompt for a file name.
F6 'BCap' Binary capture (no CR/LF-> CR) toggle on/off.
This function will prompt for a file name.
F7 'B' If ON the bell character will ring a bell at your computer,
otherwise a note will be printed on your screen.
'A' If on alarm sound is sent when a station that is set to
give alarm is on the air.
'D' DX spots are spoken via Sound Blaster
'M' no effect yet.
SHIFT-F7 Trace toggle on/off. This function will display the monitored
packet also in HEX dump.
F8 'FBBm' Show the newest message headers in the BBS that
NWQterm is monitoring.
F9 'Dx's' Show the newest dx spots in the Packet Cluster(tm) that
NWQterm is monitoring.
SHIFT-F9 'Anno' Show the latest PC-announcements and talks.
F10 Back scroll
SHIFT-F10 'Shel' Shell to DOS
The text will change colour to green when it is enabled
and to red when it is disabled.
Page Up 'PgUp' Send a text file with CR/LF to CR conversion.
This function will prompt for a file name.
Page Down 'Pg Dn' Text capture (with CR/LF-> CR) toggle on/off.
This function will prompt for a file name.
Cursor keys <- and -> together with Ctrl (Ctrl<- and Ctrl->) will change
the console stream. If the stream is you will see the stream number in
green and the connected station's callsign on the bottom part of the screen.
If the stream is disconnected the text will be red.
You can edit the line you are typing with cursor keys <- ->, insert,
delete, home, end and backspace. You can also recall previous lines
for edit with cursor up ^.
INSERT toggles insert mode on and off. A underline cursor shows
that the program is in insert mode and a block cursor indicates
overwrite mode.
The value 'frames to go' will show the number of packet that are
in the queue to be sent.
The value 'free buffers' will show the number of free buffers
at the virtual node.
Ctrl-F1 Send an unproto packet. NWQterm will prompt for the message.
CTRL-F2 Send a request to the BBS to update the message list with the
message headers that have arrived after the given message number.
ALT-F10 Quit.
ALT-R receive a message with FBB compression. Do not use this command
for reading personal messages that are adressed to other
persons, if your BBS is running FBB 5.15.
If the BBS is running FBB 5.15B or later you can do this, because
the bug is corrected.
ALT-B Receives a file with AUTOBIN protocol (in FBBDOS)
ALT-T Sends a file with AUTOBIN protocol (in FBBDOS)
ALT-S send sysop command with automatic responce from NWQ.PWD file
ALT-Y screen capture
ALT-C clear screen
ALT1, ALT2 through ALT0 will write the predefined macros.
DX freq callsign info - to send a local dx hint
S - to show latest dx hints
I - to retrieve information
TALK callsign text - to send a text to another station
C - to join the conference
? - to get the help file
H - to get the help file
L - to retrieve a list of the latest mail at the BBS
N - to enable or disable the talk command
U - to list the users
J - to list the last heard stations
JR - to list the stations connecting from NET/ROM
Q - to leave the DXLUST to the node
B - to leave both the DXLUST and the node
To capture the DX infos your station must hear the node that sends the dx
infos to another station. This programme will only listen for the PC##~-
To capture the FBB messages you must hear the OH1BBS>FBB messages from
your local bbs.
Future upgrades
- Monitoring in a separate window.
- FBB compressed TX
- Capture and decode of monitored FBB and LHZ compressed forward.
- Receiving Mario's 256 color GIF pictures directly to the screen